Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Compassion and kind lurk silently like mice
Waiting for the little boy with no shoes
Hoping to find a generous heart
Willing to give a few coins
Spending small change to ease pain
Trying to help an unwanted child
Discarded by humanity because he is deformed like a monkey
Denying that beauty begins within the soul
Expressed by outward show

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Advertisment Analyis

The idea of the advertisment is to persude the consumer to buy the treats for their dogs for bad breath. This ad uses tone to reveal the purpose of what they are selling.

First, this d has creative tone. The artist presents the tone like in silly and amusing ways. The ad with the dog breathing on the canary is humorous. The canary faints when the dog breathes on it. The canary could not edure the palpable breath of the dog. So the dog did not realize that has bad breath and just staying there looking at the canary was what was wrong with the canary. Their relationship was not that good.

Second, is the purpose of the ad. The purpose is to sell dogs treats for bad breath. Wanting to be friendly the dog breathes on the canary and it faints. Imagine what effect the doging breathe would have if it were smelled by a human. To prevent a similiar reaction people need to buy the dog treats that are being advertised. It is called "Aganist Bad Breath".

Even though, there would be more things to prevent bad breath in their dogs. It is great to hve their dogs clean from the outside and from the inside too because the owners uses the dog treats. For that reason this ad use of tone in effectively gets across it's purpose.